Easy 3 Step process for fitting

Step 1

Open OrthoLift adapter so that
it will slide over knee brace bracket.

Step 2

Secure OrthoLift over knee brace bracket
and line up hole for screw.

Step 3

After lining up hole for proper
screw alignment, tighten up screw.

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OrthoLift Fitting Videos

Shown below are videos demonstrating just how easy it is to place the OrthoLift attachment. These videos also illustrate the installation options provided for varying brands of knee braces.

OrthoLift is Easy to Place

Fitting with Spacer

Fitting with spacer to be used with Townsend and other similar braces. Not required for DonJoy, Coreflex and BREG Braces.

Clip Replacement

Adjusting Knee Brace for Fitting

OrthoLift Donjoy Fitting


We take great pride that OrthoLift, the first universal handle for knee braces, is manufactured and distributed exclusively from the United States of America.